St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Deanwood Drive, Parkwood, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 9NP
Tel: 01634 371892
Headteacher: Mrs Louise Prestidge


 St. Augustine of Canterbury School Uniform

The wearing of school uniform at St Augustine of Canterbury helps to unite us as a school community and allows the children to be dressed appropriately for many activities they take part in throughout the day; setting a high standard of personal tidiness and appearance.


Winter Uniform

Term 2 to end of Term 5


Summer Uniform

Term 5 to end of Term 1

Grey School cardigan or jumper with/without school logo

Grey Skirt / Pinafore dress

Grey trousers (not black)

White shirt (long or short sleeves)

School tie

Grey tights or socks (not other colours)

Black sensible shoes (no boots, trainers or shoes with high heels).

Hair should be smart and suitable for school, hair should not cover the eyes and hinder learning. If hair is long, it should be tied back in plain hair elastics.

Coats: plain colour preferably navy or black

Yellow and white checked summer dress

White socks - including socks that are trimmed to match summer dress (not trainer or coloured socks please)

Yellow polo shirt with/without school logo

Grey Skirt

Grey School cardigan or jumper with school logo

Grey trousers/shorts (not black)

Grey tights or socks (not trainer or coloured socks please)

Black sensible shoes (no boots, trainers, shoes with high heels or open toed sandals).

Hair should be smart and suitable for school, should not cover the eyes and hinder learning. If hair is long, it should be tied back in plain hair elastics

Sun hat: school hats bearing school logo available, however any hat is permitted

Coats: plain colour preferably navy or black or St. Augustine of Canterbury logo coats



P.E. Uniform

Shorts - navy

White T/shirt with or without school logo

Black Plimsolls or trainers

Navy plain tracksuit

All jewellery (e.g. watches) must be removed - no responsibility will be taken for these.

Children must not wear earrings on PE days.

Hair - long hair must be tied back

For field activities children may wear trainers. In cold weather children are allowed to wear navy tracksuits.

Children will wear their PE kits on the days they have PE. It is important that their kit is in line with our uniform policy. PE days are not non-uniform days; please do not send your child into school wearing football kits or other fashion items of clothing; thank you for your support to keep uniform consistent for all children. 



Each child in the Infants should use a school book bag. These can be bought from the school office. Children in the juniors may use a school bag which is a sensible size and weight.  School bags are available from Uniformbase Chatham 



For Health and Safety reasons the wearing of jewellery is not allowed in school. Children do not need to wear neck chains, bracelets, pendants etc. The only exception to this rule is the wearing of very small studs in ears, though it is important to point out to parents and carers that even these pose a health and safety risk.

In PE children must not wear any jewellery; including stud earrings. It should be removed by the child and replaced by them. Teachers cannot take the responsibility for this.

Nail Varnish

The wearing of nail varnish is not permitted.


Mobile Phones

In the interests of security and safety, we do not allow children to bring Mobile phones in school unless your child is in Year 6 and is walking home alone; the phone should be handed in to the Teacher at the beginning of the day and collected at the end.  Please speak to the School Office if you have any queries.

The following items are available from the School Office:
  • School tie 
  • Book bags  
  • PE bags  
  • Water bottles
  • School summer hat  
Please label all your child’s belongings with their name or initials

All School uniform can be purchased from Uniformbase  
Click the link below to purchase your uniform.


Provision of Second-Hand uniforms

Second-hand uniforms can benefit all parents, particularly those on low incomes. In addition, by extending the life of garments, it is more sustainable.

Second-hand school uniforms is available for parents to acquire through periodic second-hand uniform sales or swap shops.