St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Deanwood Drive, Parkwood, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 9NP
Tel: 01634 371892
Headteacher: Mrs Louise Prestidge

Subject Leader: Mrs K Grant 

Science Whole School Curriculum Map 

Science Vocabulary Progression  
 Key Concepts Progressive Skills Curriculum Map
Knowledge and Skills Map for STEAM
Scientific Enquiry 

At St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, we fully recognise science as a core subject across key stages one and two and value its importance in the EYFS curriculum through developing children’s knowledge of the world. As a Catholic school, we believe that learning about and being respectful towards the world that God created for us, is of upmost importance. 

We set a good example to the children and always promote respect for the environment during every lesson we teach. In our science curriculum, we aim to ensure all pupils develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question.

We want our children to develop scientific skills and acquire appropriate knowledge with progression throughout the Key Stages. It is our intent that our children build on their natural curiosity; enabling them to understand and care for the world in which they live.


Science is taught at St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School as a subject in its own right as well as being integrated within the learning of other subjects (as part of our creative curriculum).

We teach lessons so that children:

·         Understand natural phenomena

·         Develop a curiosity for the world around them

·         Take active roles in enquiry and investigations to stimulate creative thought and importantly, enjoy their science lessons

·         Ask scientific questions to appreciate the way that science affects us all on a personal, national and global level

·         Have experience of STEAM jobs to add to their science capital

We use the Plymouth Science Scheme for our science teaching and learning. This provides a clear and intentional progression of lessons within each topic. Children are provided with opportunities to develop and build upon skills which will engage and inspire them, whilst building confidence. They are encouraged to take an active part in their science learning in order to progress in the working scientifically strand of learning within science and become scientists of the future. Teachers model a love of science and enquiry based learning so that children can progress and develop their scientific interests.


Science is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities and topics in the belief that, if they are taught with high quality science education, they will have an enquiring and scientific mindset for life. A high-quality science curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in the different areas of science and this can also then link to other STEAM subjects also. At St Augustine Catholic Primary School, we provide opportunities for children to further their scientific experiences. Opportunities to be part of the STEAM club are popular and develop an inquisitive mindset, adopting the enquiry-based approach for science learning. Children complete CREST Award challenges that are enjoyable and add to their scientific understanding in the areas of physics, biology and chemistry. A ‘Where’s the Science in that?’ book goes home each Friday that promotes a school-parent partnership for recognising the importance of science as a subject and empowering our children to be the scientists of the future.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: 

·         Book monitoring

·         Pupil conferencing

·         Learning walks

·         Measuring of progress in the way of data that is handed in termly (3 times a year)

·         Pictures and evidence provided on classrooms displays

·        Verbal and written feedback given to pupils 



Below are some websites to help with science learning and exploring:

Department for Education online resources for Science (PE, Wellbeing and SEND)

National Geographic Kids- Science


Key Stages: Key Stage 1 and 2

This website has lots of resources and packs to help support your child or just explore something new too! You have to register with an adult’s email but it’s free.


BBC Bitesize- Home Learning Service

Key Stage 1 link:

Key Stage 2 link:

Free learning with videos to support learning. Some topics also have links to resources such as worksheets too.


Wow Science


Key stages: both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

This website has videos, quizzes and lots of information on a range of topics that cover the primary curriculum.


Mad Science


Key stages: both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Lots of videos and ideas for experiments to do at home. There are also science themed colouring in pages that you can download and print off.


Other useful websites you may wish to look at: