Subject Leader: Mrs C Burns
PSHE and RSE Whole School Curriculum Map
PSHE Curriculum Intention
When children leave St. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, we intend that they do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. We want our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it.
Our PSHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life.
Our intent for the PSHE curriculum at St. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School is to prepare the children as citizens within our ever-changing world; to be collaborators, innovators, leaders and above all kind and loving children of God.
Children are taught PSHE/RSE on a weekly basis in their classes following a whole school overview.
In the Foundation Stage, PSHE and Citizenship is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum under the prime area of Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED).
At Key Stage 1 and 2, PSHE is taught using the Medway/PSHE association scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. We follow 3 core themes: Core Theme 1 - Health and Wellbeing; Core Theme 2 - Relationships and Core Theme 3 - Living in the Wider World.
Within PSHE lessons, there is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.
British Values are reflected within PSHE; the relevant skills are taught throughout PSHE as well as the wider curriculum. Children elect members of the School Council to lead various events throughout the year, representing each class and reflecting the views of all children. Classes use Newsround to discuss current events in the news and discuss British Values that it links to.
We use "Circle Time" in class as a means to discuss current themes and issues. Through this, children are taught how to seek their own resolutions to problems and issues. We also explore themes related to PSHE in our whole school and class assemblies.
By the time children leave us they will:
· demonstrate kindness and respect towards themselves and others.
· have the courage and ability to try new things, challenge themselves and persevere.
· take responsibility for their actions.
· have a good understanding of how to stay safe, healthy and how to develop good relationships.
· have an appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society.
· demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty.
· be on their journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.
· be RICH (Resourceful, Independent, Creative and Happy) learners.
The ability to recognise and develop good relationships, the reinforcement of positive mental and physical health, understanding how their body will change and grow, the development of respect and tolerance for all, an understanding of society and the role of the individual in a community – these are the skills that will equip our children for life.
See also our RSE page under Catholic Life of the School.
Have a look at some of these useful resources for different aspects of PSHE:
5 ways to Top tips for Change4life Sugar Yoga Climate Year 6
Wellbeing positive Portion Control Smart Movement Change Secondary
poster Wellbeing Pack Cards Transition
Helpful Websites for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Department for Education online resources for Wellbeing (Science, PE and SEND)
Change for Life – food facts, recipes and activities for families to keep healthy
Gonoodle – A great website for indoor physical activity, with opportunities to earn awards!
Cosmic Kids Yoga – a YouTube channel that combines storytelling with physical activity
Choose My Plate – US website with tips on healthy eating and activity.
Change 4 life – NHS website for food facts, recipes and activities to keep healthy.
Parenta – fun physical activities for children to do at home
Young Minds – a website to support children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing including information on the #HelloYellow campaign
Young Enterprise – a website that supports enterprise and financial education
Anti-Bullying Alliance – resources and information regarding anti-bullying
Kidscape – an anti-bullying website
Mentor Adepis – resources and information on alcohol and drug education
Childline – wellbeing support and advice
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust – a website dedicated to promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing
The Children’s Sleep Charity – a website to support children with sleep issues
Barnardo’s – Mental Health and Wellbeing support for children
Mindfulness in Schools Project – Paws b for KS2 children
Headspace – Mindfulness for children