St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Deanwood Drive, Parkwood, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 9NP
Tel: 01634 371892
Headteacher: Mrs Louise Prestidge

 Head teacher’s Welcome

I am very proud to be the Headteacher at St. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary school. We are a one form entry Catholic school; we exist to provide and promote excellence in learning and achievement in a Christ centred family environment.

Our school is a vibrant, positive place that provides a safe and creative environment in which to learn. We are all proud of our school. Our children enjoy their learning in a caring atmosphere where they feel safe, secure and valued; enabling them to reach their full potential. 

As a Catholic School and Parish, we seek to live out the values of Jesus Christ. We promote these values by our words and deeds recognising that every child is unique. Our Mission Statement begins, “I have called you by your name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43) this is reflected in our personal, family approach to education; where every child is an important individual who deserves the very best!

Our dedicated and hardworking staff provide a high quality education which is rich in creativity, challenge and fun! We provide the children with a wide and varied curriculum in a setting where children can fully develop their talents and learn new skills in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect. 

We encourage committed partnerships with parents and carers, governors and the local community who play such an important part in the life of our thriving school. Each week, we celebrate our children’s achievements during our Celebration Assembly and our weekly newsletter, which shares the children’s learning with their parents.  Our children are encouraged to be caring and supportive to everyone and to develop confidence, independence and resilience. We recognise that all children have been gifted by God with different talents, skills, personalities and potential. This uniqueness is nurtured, catered for and celebrated!

I hope you enjoy your visit to our website and find what you are looking for. You are more than welcome to visit our happy, friendly school and see our wonderful family ethos and learning environment in practice.

Mrs Louise Prestidge
