Mission Statement
"I called you by your name, you are mine"
Isaiah ch.43
The Mission of our school is to support and further the teachings of Christ and His Church. We welcome and embrace individuals of all abilities and cultural backgrounds. We aim to enhance and celebrate their moral, physical, social and emotional development, so that they may reach their full potential in an atmosphere of stability, care and respect. We believe that education is for all. and in partnership with the parents, children and the wider Catholic community we will strive and succeed in a wholly inclusive setting.
About our School
St Augustine's is a voluntary aided Primary School in the Archdiocese of Southwark. The school was built in 1978 and is of an unusual pyramid design. It is for children aged between four and eleven. Currently there are three infant and four junior classes. Originally the school was open plan but in 2002 we had doors fitted to each classroom so that children can work quietly in their own rooms. There is a large corridor area which allows children to work independently at times and this area is also used for art and design. We are lucky to have a large computer suite and library. In Summer 2001 the infant classrooms were enlarged and a soft outside play area installed so that Foundation Stage children can access the full Foundation Curriculum.
A Catholic ethos pervades the school: each child is treated with respect and we aim to foster independence and responsibility. Teachers are aware of each individual and their needs are catered for so as to allow each child to develop to his/her full potential.
We employ an 'open door' policy and value the support of parents whom we consider to be the first educators of their children. We enjoy the contribution made by many parent helpers who come in to the school to help children in the classrooms.
We hope that you and your child will be happy at our school and that you will feel confident to come in and discuss all the challenges which will inevitably be a part of any child's time at school. Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within, and we hope to achieve this through frequent personal contact and through regular newsletters.
Our Aims for the Children
- To promote the Catholic ethos of the school.
- To promote the teachings of Christ and his church.
- To work in partnership with parents.
- To nurture the spiritual development of each individual child through prayer, preparation for the sacraments and by personal.
- To develop an enjoyment of and a commitment to learning.
- To build on each child's strengths, interests and experiences.
- To encourage independent and collaborative work.
- To develop an ability to question and argue rationally.
- To encourage children to apply themselves to a full range of work and activities.
- To generate attitudes which make children more self-confident and which makes pupils try their best at all times in acquiring knowledge and skills which will be useful to them in our rapidly changing world.
- To develop awareness of the importance of language, mathematics, science and ICT.
- To encourage children to participate fully in aesthetic and physical areas of learning.
- To promote values of tolerance and understanding towards others, and to become increasingly aware of our rich multicultural society.
- To develop the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
- To appreciate and wonder at the beauty that lies within each.