St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Deanwood Drive, Parkwood, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 9NP
Tel: 01634 371892
Headteacher: Mrs Louise Prestidge

Our Spiritual, moral, cultural and social calendar



British Values Link


School council elections and creation of class values.


House Captains


Eco Warrior Elections.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural.


·         Children understand the importance of democracy.

·         Promotion of pupil voice.

·         Promotion of good behaviour

·  Understand the rule of law. Understanding the importance of keeping safe, secure and what happens when rules are broken.



Jeans for Genes Day



British food Week


What does it mean to be British?


Cultural, British values


·         Understand what it means and feels like to be British.



Judaism Week


Visit to the local Synagogue



·         Understanding other faiths within our community.


Black History Month


Each class studies a different influential person in each class.










Harvest Festival


Collection of food donations given to a local charity; Helping Hands and/or Medway Food bank.

Spiritual and moral.


·         To understand the importance of Harvest.

·     To understand how we can support those who are in need.

·    To promote collaborative partnerships with the local community.


11th November

Armistice Day


The whole school joined in a collective act of worship commemorating those who lost their lives in the service of their country.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural.


·         To understand the importance of commemoration

·         Respect those who have fight for our country.

·         Respect for all service people from the past and present.



Anti-bullying Week


This year’s theme is “Make a noise about bullying” – encouraging everyone to speak out when they think bullying is taking place.

Social and moral


·         To re-inforce our school anti-bullying ethos.

·    To ensure all children are equipped to recognise and challenge bullying behaviours.

·       Making sure children understand their role if they think someone is being bullied.

·         Making a positive contribution to society.



Road Safety Week


Road Safety Visit


Road Safety Walk

Social and moral


·         To reinforce road safety messages so that children are confident when travelling outside of school.


Safer Internet Day


Signing of Pupil agreements, Magna Carta rules when using the internet.

Social and moral


·         To reinforce our online safety message so that children are empowered to make safe moral choices in their internet use.



National Number Day in support of NSPCC


Social and moral


·         To help promote collaborative partnerships.


World Book Day
 National Careers week
Comic Relief/Sports Relief
British Science week